Our pricing is dependent on tree size, the volume purchased, available inventory and species uniqueness. That said, the standard “rule of thumb” for pricing in the wholesale tree industry is around $100 per caliper (diameter) inch. Unique and specimen (“perfect” shape and canopy) trees may cost more.
The price of a tree does not include transplanting or delivery. That is a matter for you to determine with the tree-spade service you decide to use. Again, as a general rule of thumb, the cost of a tree is about one-third the cost of digging, transport and planting it. All tree spaders charge on the basis of the time required and the distance travelled (and there is no common rate among spaders). If you don’t have a spader of first choice, we can recommend those we deem both reliable and expert in what they do.
- Purchasers must select and tag the tree(s) of their choice while still “in ground” on site. Appointments are required.
- The vendor confirms that all stock is in good health at the time of sale, per customer inspection. Any concerns will be addressed while the tree is in the ground.
- As a condition of the wholesale trade, the vendor does not accept responsibility for stock once it has left the property.
- All tree stock travels at the risk of the buyer and transporter. The vendor disclaims any liability or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the productivity, performance, results secured in transplanting or any other consequential damages as these factors are entirely beyond our control.
- HST may be applicable on sales.
- Without approved credit, payment is on a cash (or verified cheque) basis only and is due at the time the trees are removed from the property (i.e., C.O.D.). We no longer accept credit card purchases.
- Claims regarding any discrepancy in size, quantity or quality must be made at the time of purchase. The trees dug are the trees the purchaser has selected and tagged.
- Quotes on small volumes are good for 30 days and, on larger volumes, are good for 60 days.
For a more detailed description of each tree type listed below, simply click on the species type (e.g., Fir, Spruce, Maple, etc.) indicated in green. This thumbnail will provide you with the hardiness zone, height at maturity, canopy spread, Summer and Fall foliage colours, plus a brief description of each tree listed.
Fir / Abies | Balsam, Fraser, Canaan, Grand, Noble |
Spruce / Picae | Colorado Blue (Large, 12 – 35 ft.) |
Colorado Blue (6 – 10 ft.) Volume discounts only | |
White (Large, 12 – 35 ft., self-dig only) | |
Serbian (15 – 35 ft.) | |
Norway (Small, 8 – 15 ft.) | |
Pine / Pinus | Eastern White (All sizes, up to 30 ft.) |
Mugo (All sizes, up to 10 ft.) Volume discounts | |
Larch / Larix | European (25 – 40 ft.+) |
Cedar / Thuja | White (10 – 15 ft.) |
Exotics | Non-indiginous specimens (limited supply) |
Maple / Acer | Over 23 varieties available. Sugars (all sizes) |
Birch / Betula | 4 varieties – prices based on variety & size. |
Ash / Fraxinus | White (large 6″+ caliper) Significant volume discounts. |
Autumn Purple & Autumn Applause | |
Honeylocust | Sunburst, Shademaster and Skyline |
Oak / Quercus | White, Pyramidal English & Crimson Spire (Copper) |
Sargent Tina Crab Apple | |
Kentucky Coffee | |
Newport Flowering Plum | |
Elm – Camperdown (Weeping) | |
Serviceberry – Selection | |
Schubert Chokecherry | |
Ivory Sik Lilac | |
Ohio Buckeye | |
Red Jade Crab Apple | |
American Sycamore | |
Amur Cork | |
Northern Catalpa | |
Patriot Elm |